讲座预告:discover tactics to feature a successful scientific career and tips in improved scientific writing: lessons from the editor -尊龙凯时app

 讲座预告:discover tactics to feature a successful scientific career and tips in improved scientific writing: lessons from the editor -尊龙凯时app


  • 校内新闻热线:9291819
讲座预告:discover tactics to feature a successful scientific career and tips in improved scientific writing: lessons from the editor
【发布日期: 2023-12-13】 【来源:国家重点实验室 】 【作者:张祖瑛】 【编辑:郝璞玉】 【点击量:】

尊龙凯时app copyright©2011浙江农林大学 www.zafu.edu.cn 学校地址:浙江省杭州市临安区武肃街666号 邮编:311300 电话:0571-63732700
